My son behind the wheel of the F100 on the show field.
The Pumpkin Run Nationals is a classic auto show that’s held in Southern Ohio in October every year. 2015 marked the 40th annual show, and it was the first car show I entered my 66 F100 into. Not because I have any hope of winning an award with the truck, but because of the camaraderie of a bunch of like-minded car nuts all gathered in the same place.
The show typically runs Friday-Sunday, and the 2015 show was held the first weekend of October. If you know anything about Ohio weather, you know that could mean anything from frigid cold to blistering heat. For this show, Ohio decided to give us a variety. I attended the show on Saturday with my wife and kids, and experienced cold and wet coat and mitten weather. On Sunday, David and I checked out the show field after church, and sweated in T-shirts, and I came home with a mild sunburn.
The show is open to all makes and models, with the largest segment being the American Big 3: Ford Country, Bowtie Country, and Mopar Country each get their own dedicated space on the show grounds. I parked my truck squarely in the Ford section, but that doesn’t stop me from checking out everything and appreciating what I see from each manufacturer.
I plan to enter the 2016 Pumpkin Run Nationals, which will be held September 30 – October 2.
I only took a few photos but here’s what caught my eye: